When it comes to car crashes in the Rochester area, you can count on William Mattar. Car accidents in Rochester can occur at any time and for several reasons. There are many types and potential causes of car accidents to be aware of in order to remain safe on local roadways.
Immediately following a Rochester motor vehicle collision, it can be hard to anticipate what may come next. If you’ve been involved in a multiple-car wreck, a drunk driving crash, or were hit by a speeding vehicle, you need the help of an experienced car accident attorney at William Mattar. We know what to expect after a serious accident and can help guide you through the process. Call us today at 844-noswap444-4444 to schedule a free consultation regarding your case.
Car Accident Law Firm - William Mattar
William Mattar law offices has over 30 years of experience fighting on behalf of accident victims in New York State. Our Rochester car accident attorneys represent clients who have been hurt in collisions involving other vehicles, motorcycles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and more. We know that every case is unique, and we work to ensure that every accident victim is supported throughout the legal process.
The team at William Mattar has the knowledge and experience to tackle any car crash case. Our accident attorneys investigate each case, collect evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and work to get the best results possible for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you receive compensation for your injuries.
What to do after a Car Accident
A car accident can be a disorienting and stressful experience. Knowing what to do after a crash may help prepare you for the possibility, and ensure your right to file a personal injury claim is protected.
After a car accident, you should consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible, even if you don’t believe you were injured. Calling law enforcement to the scene of the accident is also important, as the police officer that arrives will complete an official report concerning the car crash. If you can do so safely, gather information about the crash, including contact information of the drivers involved, witness statements, and photos.
If you have suffered injuries, contact an experienced car accident lawyer who can help you get started on your claim. An accident lawyer will keep track of all applicable statutes of limitations and ensure that deadlines are met. The statute of limitations for a car accident is three years from the date of the crash, but some documents must be submitted in a much shorter time frame. That’s why it’s a good idea to seek legal representation sooner than later.
Causes of Car Accidents in Rochester

Distracted Driving
One of the major causes of motor vehicle crashes in Rochester is distracted driving.
Distracted drivers–such as those who text, talk on their cellphones, or fidget with his or her dashboard while driving–have become a major cause of highway crashes. Distracted driving can include any time that a motorist takes his or her attention away from the road, or is focusing on another task, such as eating, while driving. This can be incredibly dangerous and result in a serious, life-threatening collision.
A car accident lawyer is knowledgeable about how to negotiate with insurance companies and how to prove liability in a distracted driving accident. With new laws enacted to penalize distracted drivers, your Rochester personal injury attorney is well-equipped to help you obtain the compensation you deserve for injuries suffered as a consequence of a negligent driver.
Snowy / Icy Roads
Rochester is no stranger to snowy weather conditions. When roads are covered in snow and ice, drivers are encouraged to slow down and maintain a safe distance between themselves and the car in front of them. This is because snow and ice can create hazardous conditions that may cause a vehicle to skid or slide unexpectedly on the road.
Unfortunately, not all drivers exercise safe driving habits in bad weather, therefore increasing the risk of a serious car accident. Weather-related accidents do not always involve two or more motor vehicles. They can sometimes involve just one vehicle that may have lost control. In difficult weather, cars are at a higher risk of sliding off the road into an object or obstacle, such a median.
Proper vehicle maintenance is also a factor in weather-related driving incidents. If a motorist’s vehicle is poorly maintained, he or she may be at risk when driving in inclement weather. Well-functioning brakes, as well as other mechanical parts, are essential for safe driving. This is especially true in conditions that are more dangerous than usual.
Examples of Car Accidents that May Cause Serious Injury
There is a possibility for serious injuries to be sustained during any type of car accident. The severity of injuries may be determined by a variety of factors, including the vehicle you were driving, speed of the accident, and seat belt use. Rear-end accidents and highway merging crashes are two examples of car accidents that may cause serious injuries.

Rear-End Car Accidents
A common, and potentially very serious, type of car crash is a rear-end collision. A rear-end collision, also known as a fender-bender, occurs when one vehicle strikes another from behind.
Many rear-end car collisions handled by our Rochester car accident attorneys involve a distracted driver who was not watching the road properly at the time of the accident. Rear-end collisions can also be caused by aggressive “tailgaters” who do not leave enough room between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them. In this scenario, the tailgating motorist may not have enough time to brake when required, resulting in a collision.
If you’ve suffered physical injuries in a rear end crash, the personal injury lawyers William Mattar can help ease your financial burdens by fighting for the best result possible. We can guide you through the no-fault insurance process to have your Medicaid bills and lost wages paid.
Highway Merging Crashes
Drivers are supposed to move to the left to allow cars to merge onto a highway from an entrance ramp. Aggressive or distracted drivers often refuse to change lanes or slow down so that merging traffic can enter the highway safely. In other cases, the merging driver may not be exercising caution, and attempt to overtake or cut off another driver. When a motorist traveling on the highway and a merging motorist collide, it is what’s sometimes known as a “merging accident.”
Merging accidents can occur at an angle or resemble a rear-end accident. Victims of merging accidents can suffer a variety of injuries, ranging from whiplash to head lacerations to broken bones. Even if a vehicle contains side air bags or other safety features, merging crashes are high-impact car accidents that can seriously injure anyone riding in a merging vehicle.
Common Car Accident Injuries
One of the most frequently reported injuries suffered by victims of car accidents is whiplash. A whiplash injury damages a person’s neck and upper back, which can cause severe or chronic pain. Symptoms may also include shoulder and arm pain, stiffness, dizziness, headaches, loss of movement, and fatigue. While the severity of a whiplash injury varies, it can be severe enough to prevent you from returning to work for some time, or even require long-term physical therapy.
Another common type of car accident injury is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A TBI is caused by a blow or trauma to the head. In a motor vehicle accident, the head may jerk forward during impact and strike the interior of the vehicle, such as the steering wheel or dashboard.
Depending on the severity of the injury, a TBI can cause a variety of symptoms, including a period of unconsciousness, memory loss, headaches, and fatigue. Examples of TBIs suffered in car accidents include concussions, contusions, and skull fractures.
If you have been injured in a Rochester car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. At William Mattar, we work on behalf of our clients to help them get the maximum recovery possible. Our team is standing by 24/7 to speak with you about your case. If you’ve been injured and need the assistance of a car accident lawyer, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone at 844-noswap444-4444, or fill out our online form to schedule a free consultation.
Rochester Location
William Mattar Law Offices
16 West Main St., Suite 736
Rochester, NY 14614