William Mattar’s Safe Ride Home 4 the 4th

As the nation gears up for barbecues, parties and 4
th of July parades and celebrations, anyone planning to consume alcohol needs to remember the dangers of driving under the influence. Even if one thinks they are not drunk, impaired driving is still responsible for many preventable car crashes with severe injuries. William Mattar proudly presents the
Safe Ride 4 the 4th Program to encourage celebrants to forgo getting behind the wheel and get home safely with the help of an Uber Ride Discount Voucher.
To support our goal of helping people get home safely after 4th of July celebrations, William Mattar is giving away 1,000, digital Uber Ride Discount Vouchers, each up to a $20.00 value.
To participate, fill out the form below to register. Registration is open from June 25, 2024, at 12:00pm EST, through July 2, 2024, at 12:00pm EST, to valid registrants in New York State, but may end sooner if all vouchers are claimed before the announced end of registration. The first 1,000 valid registrants will receive a digital $20.00 Uber Ride Discount Voucher valid from 12:00pm EST, July 4th, 2024, through July 5
th, 2024, at 2:00am EST for rides in select counties in New York State. Review program
Terms and Conditions for complete details. Enjoy the fireworks and parties, be safe, and don’t forget to tip your driver!
Thank you for your interest in the William Mattar Safe Ride 4 the 4th of July program. All ride discount vouchers have been claimed for this event. Check back with us next time. Happy 4th of July and stay safe!