Around The Community

Around the Community

Learn about the firm’s community involvement. Whether it’s supporting local and national charities, fundraising and volunteering with the Boy Scouts of America, collecting for a local food drive to help families in need, or providing safe rides home on New Year’s Eve, William Mattar Law Offices is committed to giving back.

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Donation Request Form:

In addition to numerous events and organizations we support, William Mattar has created a Community Service Committee which meets at the end of each month to review donation and sponsorship requests. If you would like to submit a request, please read and follow these guidelines:

  • Fill out the form below completely. Any flyers, brochures or materials from your organization need to be emailed to with the donation amount you are requesting clearly noted.
  • Requests can only be submitted for organizations, not for individuals.
  • Please submit your request at least 1 month before your fundraising event, 2 months if your event requires us to submit materials for printing (such as ads for a program, signage, etc.)
  • The committee meets monthly and fills as many requests as possible with the funds available. If you do not hear from us, we were not able to fulfill your request.
  • We love to support organizations in other ways too! If we are able to grant a donation to your group, we would love to post a link to your website below. We can exchange links with you to share on your supporters page. We sometimes feature social media posts on our pages as additional support for events as well.
  • Any large event sponsorship requests that may be a fit with our firm will be forwarded to our marketing agency for review. Please email to
  • THANK YOU for all of your hard work & effort in your organization. With all of us working together, we can make a positive impact in our community and for our neighbors in need.


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Our Achievements
We are proud to share that William Mattar, P.C. has been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work for in New York State. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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