Low-Speed Car Accident

In a low-speed car crash, your vehicle may not appear to have sustained serious damage. If you were involved in a fender-bender or hit an obstacle, such as a curb, a car accident that occurs at a low rate of speed may not seem that significant. But any motor vehicle crash, no matter how forceful the impact, can result in injuries to drivers and passengers. Some injuries can even cause long-term physical pain or limitations.

When it comes to a low-speed car accident, the insurance companies involved may assume an accident victim could not have suffered serious injuries. At William Mattar, we know that this isn’t always the case, and victims of low-speed impacts deserve compensation. Let us work with the involved insurance carriers to help you achieve a financial recovery. Just call (844) 444-4444 today to speak to an experienced car accident lawyer.

What is a Low-Speed Car Accident?

Let’s say you are driving in slow-moving traffic and approach a red light, and the vehicle behind you fails to stop, colliding into your car’s rear. While both vehicles were not going “fast,” an impact has still occurred.

Depending on how your body moved (for example, your neck flexed quickly), you can still sustain an injury even if the collision did not cause significant property damage. A low-impact crash may even result in zero damage to your vehicle, but it does not mean you are not injured. If the driver behind you was distracted or otherwise driving recklessly, you may still be entitled to compensation for any injuries.

Injuries from Low-Speed Impacts

It seems to be common sense that a high-speed car accident can inflict more damage than one that occurs at a low speed. Even in a low-speed impact, occupants can suffer various head trauma and back injuries, including traumatic brain injuries and damage to the spinal cord. In a rear-end collision, the head and neck often jerk forward with the force of the impact, no matter how fast a car was going. One of the most common neck-related injuries sustained in car crashes, particularly rear-end collisions, is whiplash.

For victims of whiplash, the symptoms may not seem severe in the moment. But certain symptoms, such as neck pain and stiffness, can progressively worsen over time. After a low-speed accident, you may not even be aware that you have been injured right away. Other whiplash symptoms include loss of range of motion, headaches, pain in the shoulders, upper back, or arms, fatigue, blurred vision, and more. These symptoms can result in health complications or require long-term care, such as physical therapy.

What to Do After a Low-Impact Car Accident

After a low-impact car accident, you may be caught off guard and disoriented. Your health is your priority, so if you suspect injury seek immediate medical attention. If it is safe to do so, you can also collect evidence regarding the crash, including driver contact information, witness information, and photos of the accident scene and vehicles. The police officer that arrives to the scene will file an official report with details of the crash.

Another important step after a car accident is to see a medical provider, such as your doctor, to assess your condition if you suspect you are injured.  Your doctor can conduct a physical exam to ensure you receive treatment if necessary. This will also help you reduce recovery time and maintain a record of any injuries if you choose to file a claim to receive damages. A record of your medical care is crucial to proving the extent of your injuries and justifying why you need compensation.

If you’ve been seriously injured in a low-speed crash, you should consider contacting a personal injury lawyer to help you file an accident claim. Your lawyer can investigate your case and help establish which party is liable for your injuries.

Hurt in a Low-Speed Car Accident? Call William Mattar

If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, it shouldn’t matter how fast the car that hit you was going. A serious injury is a serious injury, and when another motorist or party is at fault, accident victims deserve financial compensation. At William Mattar law offices, we will fight on your behalf and stand by your side through every step of the insurance claim process. Contact us at (844) 444-4444, or fill our online form to schedule a free and confidential case consultation today.

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We are proud to share that William Mattar, P.C. has been recognized multiple times as one of the Best Companies to Work for in New York State. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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