A “backover accident” occurs when a driver drives in reverse and collides with a person or vehicle behind them. Victims of backover accidents can suffer devastating injuries or even lose their lives. If you’ve been injured by a reversing vehicle, contact the team at William Mattar P.C.. We represent individuals every day who have sustained injuries in motor vehicle crashes. Our car accident attorneys are standing by to help you take legal action after your accident. Just call (844) 444 - 4444 today.
What Causes a Backover Accident?
Oftentimes, backover accidents are caused by a distracted or otherwise inattentive driver who drives in reverse out of a driveway or parking space without looking. Motorists may be in a hurry, texting, or programming a navigation system when they fail to make ensure no vehicles are approaching.
Vehicle can have a rear blind spot. Blind spots can make it difficult to see behind a vehicle. Still, the reversing motorist must check blind spots and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles or pedestrians.
Backover crashes can range in severity. In some instances, a motorist may back up and strike a person or oncoming vehicle. This can cause severe injuries, especially to a pedestrian or bicyclist whose body is exposed to a potential impact. However, backover accidents involving pedestrians can entail a driver knocking the individual over and backing over them. In this case, the pedestrian may be trapped or severely injured underneath the vehicle.
Backover Accident Injuries
Backover accidents can result in life-altering injuries, such as broken bones, spinal cord injuries, internal organ damage, neck and back trauma, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). A TBI can affect brain functioning and cause a range of symptoms. Serious TBIs can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding, and other damage that leads to life-long complications.
Accident victims who sustain severe injuries, such as a TBI, may require long-term medical care, rehabilitation, and other treatment.
Preventing Backover Accidents
For most motorists, backing up is an everyday part of driving. Whether you are pulling out of your driveway to head to work or leaving a parking spot, you likely aren’t expecting to be in a collision. But backover accidents can happen in a matter of moments. Some people, such as young children, may be more vulnerable in a backover accident because they are smaller and potentially less attentive.
Compensation for a Backover Accident
If you have been hurt in a backover accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for various accident-related expenses, as well as pain and suffering. An accident attorney can help you file a claim for compensation to cover economic, as well as non-economic, damages. These may include compensation for hospital bills, medical care and treatment, lost wages or income, emotional anguish, and pain and suffering. Contact an attorney today to learn more about your options.
Contact a Car Accident Attorney Today
If you have been injured in a backover accident, contact William Mattar law offices today. Our legal team handles a variety of accident cases, and every day we help injury victims get the compensation they need. To schedule a free and confidential initial consultation, complete our consultation form or dial (844) 444 - 4444.