Speed bumps are designed to control the speed of vehicles on roadways to keep people safe from speed-related accidents. But how do speed bumps affect bicyclists sharing the same roadways? A bicyclist is more vulnerable to road obstacles than a driver or car occupant. What may feel like a mild jolt to a motorist may be very dangerous for a bike rider.

Bicycle accidents involving speed bumps can result in life-altering injuries. If you’ve been injured in this type of accident, you may be wondering if you have options. Every case is different, and the answer will depend on the specifics of your accident.

If you were injured riding your bike over a speed bump and negligence was a factor, call our legal team right away. One of our experienced bicycle accident attorneys can review your accident’s details and help determine if you are entitled to financial compensation. Time deadlines for a claim can be short, so don’t wait. Give us a call today at (844) 444-4444.


Both speed bumps and speed humps—although slightly different—are vertical hurdles used to “calm” and manage traffic. Bumps bounce vehicle occupants as they drive over them to discourage speeding on residential and commercial roads. A speed obstacle can be constructed of asphalt, concrete, or other materials, and they are often integrated into the road.

Speed humps are generally smaller than speed bumps. While a speed bump or hump can damage vehicles that are traveling too fast, they can cause serious injury to bicyclists exposed to the environment.


A bicyclist who unknowingly approaches a speed bump can either hit the bump or fly over it in an uncontrolled manner. In either scenario, a cyclist may fall and sustain injuries due to the impact. Some potential injuries that can result from a speed bump accident include:

  • Head trauma, including skull fractures and concussions;
  • Injuries to the limbs, such as wrist fractures and dislocations;
  • Rib fractures and/or lung injuries;
  • Facial contusions;
  • Dental injuries;
  • Soft tissue damage;
  • Injury to internal organs; and
  • Hip, knee, and foot injuries.

If you have suffered an injury in a bicycle accident, consider seeking medical attention as soon as possible.  Our team is available 24/7 and will come to you if you are injured and unable to visit our office.


In the state of New York, when speed bumps are put up for traffic management, they must adhere to certain safety standards and design principles. The guidelines for any traffic calming project, including speed bumps, require that “regulatory and warning signs” be installed to alert motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. These can include speed limit signs or painted markings.

A speed bump can be determined too dangerous for those on the road, whether it is poorly designed or inappropriate for a particular location. If a speed bump is not adequately marked or is otherwise unreasonably dangerous, resulting in an injury, you may be entitled to compensation.


To file a claim for compensation, you will have to establish who, if anyone, is liable for your accident. In the case of a speed bump accident, that might be the entity that designed or installed the speed bumps. Often this is a municipality, such as a city, town, or county. If it is established that the speed bump was installed negligently, putting people at risk, the owner can potentially be responsible for paying damages.

Your personal injury lawyer can help determine whether a municipality was responsible for your speed bump accident. Call us today to get started.


If you’ve been injured in a speed bump bicycle accident, call William Mattar. Our experienced legal team can help you file your claim and seek compensation for your injuries. Complete our online contact form, or call us at (844) 444-4444, to schedule your free initial consultation now.

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