What Are Some Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents? 

blurry windshild with person in front of car
Posted: October 4, 2022

More than 145 million adults include walking as part of their active lifestyle, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, more than six in 10 people walk for transportation purposes, exercise, relaxation, or for other activities.  

Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 6,516 pedestrians were killed in 2020 – one every 81 minutes — and about 55,000 were injured. 

The reasons pedestrian accidents happen are many. For starters, recklessness by drivers can be considered one of the primary causes of pedestrian accidents. A driver who does not look for pedestrians or who does not obey traffic laws at crosswalks can be dangerous. 

As day turns to night, the risk of a pedestrian accident could potentially increase. If pedestrians plan on walking after dark, wearing light-colored or reflective clothing and carrying a flashlight may prove helpful.  

A few other causes of pedestrian accidents include:  

  • Texting: Drivers texting or talking on cell phones can put pedestrians and other drivers at risk. However, pedestrians focusing on digital devices while crossing streets may also increase the risk of vehicle-pedestrian accidents.  
  • Drunk driving: Drivers who operate their vehicles while drunk or under the influence of drugs are dangerous to everyone on the road, especially pedestrians. Impaired driving through crosswalks against the traffic lights or making left turns directly into a group of pedestrians can result in pedestrian accidents.  
  • Impatience: Impatient drivers who do not look out for pedestrians can cause serious injuries.  
  • Inclement weather: A slippery road might make it more difficult for a vehicle to stop in time to let a pedestrian pass.  
  • Vehicles turning left: Unfortunately, just because a crosswalk has traffic control signals does not mean drivers will pay attention to them. Pedestrians are always at risk of being hit by cars turning left when drivers choose to violate the rules of the road.  

Safety Tips for Drivers 

Drivers should always be on the lookout for pedestrians. All drivers are required to use reasonable care to avoid hitting pedestrians, despite who has the right of way. To see recommended safety tips for drivers, visit the NHTSA website 

Hit By a Car? Call William Mattar, P.C.  

When pedestrians are struck by vehicles, William Mattar’s pedestrian accident attorneys can provide legal representation for pedestrians suffering serious physical injuries. If you were hit by a negligent driver while walking, call (844) 444-4444 today to schedule a free consultation about possible compensation for damages. 

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