Second Chances at Life: The Mission of Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue 

Buddy's Second Chance Rescue logo
Posted: November 1, 2023

William Mattar P.C. is participating in a noble initiative once again with our Rescue a Shelter Animal campaign. We’re kicking off the November campaign by shedding light on the important work done by Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue. This organization plays a crucial role in providing a lifeline to dogs that are at a high risk of euthanasia, providing them with the care and shelter they need as they await adoption into loving forever homes. 

Buddy’s Story 

The spark behind Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue was indeed a dog named Buddy, who at one point was living in a shelter with a grim fate of euthanasia looming over him. However, fortune smiled upon him, granting him a second lease on life. It was Julie Starr, who would later become the founder of Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue, who extended her hand and rescued Buddy, providing him a loving foster home until a heartfelt adoption placed him within the warm embrace of a forever family. Inspired by Buddy’s journey, Julie united with Jenn Manz, and together they embarked on a humane venture, establishing Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue. Their guiding motto, “Save one until there are none,” encapsulates their enduring commitment to offering countless dogs a second chance at a fulfilling life. 

The foster-based model of Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue provides a nurturing environment for these dogs as they transition from often harrowing circumstances to a stable, loving home. This personal touch in the care they provide probably makes a significant difference in the lives of these dogs, aiding their rehabilitation and improving their chances of successful adoption. 

Furthermore, the initiative to pull dogs from high-kill shelters across the country is commendable, as it helps in reducing the euthanasia rates which is essential in the broader mission of animal rescue and welfare. 

Rescue a Shelter Animal 

By bringing attention to Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue, William Mattar P.C.’s campaign is hoping to make a positive impact in the community, highlighting the importance of animal rescue efforts, and encouraging more people to consider adoption. Through such collaborations and community engagements, more dogs will have a chance at a better life, and the vision of “Save one until there are none” is brought a step closer to realization. 

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