William Mattar, P.C. Presents: The 2023 “Rescue a Shelter Animal” Pet Photo Contest 

Posted: November 8, 2023

As November rolls in, so does the season of giving and gratitude. It’s a time when we reflect on the things that warm our hearts and bring joy to our lives. At William Mattar, P.C., we believe that our furry friends play a significant role in this. That’s why, each year, we run the “Rescue a Shelter Animal” campaign, aimed at promoting pet adoption and supporting local animal shelters and rescue organizations. We are thrilled to announce our annual Pet Photo Contest, designed to bring the community together over our shared love for pets and our dedication to making a positive impact. 

The 2023 Pet Photo Contest: 

Submission Period 

November 6th-10th, 2023 (12:00 PM start/end time) 

Voting Period 

November 13th-21st, 2023 

Winner Announcement 

November 30th, 2023 

What’s at Stake 

The winner of the William Mattar Pet Photo Contest will not only receive a $50 gift card for their beloved pet but also have the opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of shelter animals. They will choose an eligible shelter or rescue organization in New York State to receive a $1,000 donation from William Mattar, P.C. If the winner happens to be local, we’ll go the extra mile by visiting them and conducting an interview to capture their heartwarming story. 

Why Rescue a Shelter Animal? 

Pets are not just pets; they are cherished members of our families. They provide companionship, reduce stress levels, and fill our lives with unconditional love. But sadly, millions of dogs and cats find themselves in shelters across America each year, often through no fault of their own. This is where our “Rescue a Shelter Animal” campaign comes into play, emphasizing the importance of adoption and rescue. 

When you rescue a shelter animal, you offer them a second chance at a happy, loving home. Many of these animals are already house-trained and accustomed to living with families and other animals. By adopting, you help reduce the overcrowding in shelters and potentially save an animal from being euthanized. It’s a chance to give back to these animals that need it the most. 

Beyond Dogs and Cats 

Our campaign also emphasizes that rescue opportunities extend beyond traditional dogs and cats. Many shelters and rescue groups welcome animals like guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and even horses and livestock. So, if you’re looking to bring a new smile into your life, consider visiting your local shelter or rescue organization—you might just find your next best friend. 

The Benefits of Adoption 

Adopting a pet can be a cost-effective and responsible choice. Many shelters include spaying/neutering, vaccinations, and even microchipping in their adoption fees, saving you on upfront costs and ensuring your new pet is healthy. Plus, when you adopt, you’re not supporting puppy or kitten mills, which prioritize profit over the welfare of animals. 

Supporting Our Local Shelters 

William Mattar law offices provides a list of over 100 shelters and rescue groups across New York State, including Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Binghamton, Elmira, and Utica. We encourage you to visit these local organizations, whether you’re ready to adopt or simply want to donate, volunteer, or provide supplies. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our furry friends and help support the tireless missions of these shelters. 

As we launch our 2023 “Rescue a Shelter Animal” Pet Photo Contest, we invite you to join us in celebrating the bond we share with our pets and in supporting local animal shelters and rescue organizations. Whether you submit a photo, cast a vote, or simply spread the word, your contribution matters. Together, we can give countless shelter animals a chance for a better life and bring warmth and joy to our hearts this November. Be sure to follow us on social media to keep up with all contest updates!  

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We are proud to announce that William Mattar was named one of 2021’s Best Companies to Work for in New York. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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