Tips for Safe Fall Travel

Posted: October 5, 2012

The colors of the leaves are beginning to change and the temperature is cooling, which means fall is in the air in New York State. The seasonal change also typically comes with a change in driving patterns.

One of the most important things to remember about autumn road conditions is that wet leaves on the road can pose danger! Did you know that a patch of wet leaves can be just as slick as an iced over puddle? That is why when approaching a section of road with wet leaves, it may be a good idea to take your foot off of the accelerator to slow down without actually braking. If the brakes must be applied, it may be best to simply give the brake pedal a gentle pump, as you would if you were on ice.

Fall also means the time change is fast approaching, and this bi-annual shift can drastically change driving habits. Accidents tend to spike around this time of year, as people tend to be in a hurry after schedules are thrown off and more car accidents are reported due to drowsy driving. John Hopkins and Stanford University published a study analyzing over two decades worth of fatal car crash data and did find an increase in accidents after the time change.

The time change can also mean more commuting in the dark, which can increase the chance of a car accident. This is why it is so important to allow yourself plenty of time to adjust and get where you need to be following the time change.

The Car Accident Lawyers at William Mattar law offices hope these tips will help keep your travels safe this fall season!

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