Stay prepared in the event of a Rochester car accident

Posted: August 24, 2018

Staying prepared in case you are involved in a Rochester car accident can simply mean knowing what to do immediately after the accident. Of course, in most cases, the first thing to do is call the police to report the accident and request emergency medical help if needed. If possible, take a quick assessment of your situation. Is your car smoking or still running and making odd noises? If so, you should exit the car and move to a place of safety and wait for the police to do anything else.

Things to Remember If You Have a Car Accident in Rochester

  1. Be polite to law enforcement and be aware that many causal factors are involved in any motor vehicle collision.
  2. Ask police how you can obtain a police report. Make sure you have the name of the other drivers involved and contact information.
  3. If possible, take photos of the accident scene–damage to your car and the other driver’s car, road conditions, skid marks and street signs to clearly identify the location of the accident.
  4. Call your insurance company to report the accident.
  5. If you are injured, contact a Rochester personal injury attorney to discuss a possible compensation claim.

Preparing for the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Recovering from serious injuries due to the recklessness or negligence of another driver can mean facing accumulating medical bills and being unable to work to pay for those bills. William Mattar’s car accident attorneys understand how stressful a disruptive life event such as car crash can be for you and your family. Start the process of restoring your financial stability by calling our firm and schedule a free, initial consultation with one of our experienced Rochester car accident lawyers. We may be able to obtain adequate compensation to pay for your damages.

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