New York Is Battling Distracted Driving and You Can Help

Posted: April 14, 2014

Most drivers in Western New York will admit to knowing the dangers posed by Distracted Driving, but it’s a behavior that law enforcement says is becoming more common than ever. In fact, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles reports there were a total of 55,130 distracted driving tickets issued in the state last year, an 82 percent jump from 2012.

That’s why the State of New York is fighting back against distracted driving in several different ways. April has been named Distracted Driving Awareness Month nationwide, and the New York State Police will be conducting an enforcement and educational campaign known as Operation Hangup. Reports from ABC 7 News state hundreds of troopers and officers will be targeting motorists who violate the state’s regulations against texting or using a cellphone behind the wheel.

The punishments may be getting tougher as well. Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently proposed a reform that would establish a one-year license suspension for any motorist under age 21 caught texting and driving.

The Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices applaud the efforts being made to eliminate distracted driving in New York. The firm also asks motorists to do their part to stay safe by putting phones down while driving and encouraging others to do the same.

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