Generally, if you are injured in a car accident, your personal health insurance is not going to pay for medical expenses. Additionally, if you are injured in an accident while on the job in Rochester, then you will have to go through a different process to get your medical expenses and lost wages replaced.
When it comes to paying for your injury expenses, it does not matter if the company owned the car you were in or if it was your personal vehicle. Since your Rochester car accident happened while you were on the job, workers’ compensation is typically going to be responsible for your medical expenses.
Your medical expenses for your Rochester car accident should be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation carrier. You would go to your employer for the paperwork necessary to have your medical expenses covered, and possibly your lost income replaced.
Since you will no longer be dealing with your employer for your injuries after workers’ compensation gets involved, your employer cannot act as a liaison with workers’ compensation in case there are problems. It is in your best interests to hire an attorney who can handle workers’ compensation issues.
If your injuries seem to persist and you are having a hard time getting back to work, usually workers’ compensation may deny treatment at some point.
If you were injured in a car while in the scope of your employment, give our Rochester car accident lawyers at William Mattar a call.