New York state prohibits drivers from using hand-held electronic devices while operating a vehicle. Drivers can receive a ticket if police catch them talking or texting on their cell phone, taking pictures with their cell phone or playing games on their cell phone. Other types of portable electronic devices drivers are not allowed to use while operating a car or truck include PDAs, laptops, pagers and electronic games.
Exceptions to distracted driving laws in NY involve drivers who use hands-free cellphones, devices attached to the vehicle’s interior surface or communicating with a cellphone because of an emergency situation.
Being cited for distracted driving in Rochester and elsewhere in New York state means your license can incur five violation points plus a fine of up to $200 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense and up to $450 for the third offense.
Other drivers and pedestrians suffer serious injuries every day when distracted drivers fail to heed traffic signals, slow down properly or make reckless decisions because they are not paying attention.
If you have suffered physical injuries requiring emergency treatment and/or hospitalization because of a distracted driver and need an accident attorney in Rochester, contact William Mattar today to schedule a free consultation appointment. We can help you obtain maximum compensation so that you can pay for damages incurred through no fault of your own. Our understanding legal team is available 24/7 to take your call. We also visit clients at home or in the hospital who cannot come to our office.
Contact us today to receive immediate legal assistance if you have been struck by a distracted driver in Rochester.