New York Bicycle Accident Lawyers Provide Safety Tips for Cyclists

Posted: April 10, 2015

Warmer weather is coming to New York, and that means it’s time to get your bicycle out of the garage. During this time of year, the New York bicycle accident lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices would like to remind people of the dangers cyclists face on the road and the importance of cycling safety.

There are certain precautions you can take as a cyclist that can help prevent accidents:

  • Wear a Helmet– This single piece of safety equipment can reduce your chances of being killed in a collision by as much as 60 percent. Don’t let the cost of a helmet be an excuse not to wear one—the Safety Council of Central and Western New York can provide one to you at a reduced cost.
  • Be Seen– One of the leading causes of bicycle collisions with other vehicles are drivers who simply don’t see cyclists. Utilize headlights, reflectors, and high-visibility clothing near dusk or dawn to improve visibility while riding.
  • Obey The Law– It’s crucial that cyclists remember to obey all traffic signals and utilize hand signals when making turns or coming to a stop. Also, remember to always ride with traffic.

The New York personal injury attorneys at William Mattar Law Offices hope these tips help keep you and your loved ones safe during the next few months of cycling season!

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