New York Bicycle Accident Lawyers Discuss Importance of Wearing a Helmet

Posted: May 22, 2015

Riding a bicycle in New York can be dangerous. The state Department of Motor Vehicles reports that there were a total of 6,170 accidents involving cyclists in 2013. Of those accidents, more than one-third of riders weren’t wearing helmets.

The risk of not wearing a helmet is massive. Studies have shown this piece of lifesaving equipment can reduce the chances of serious injury in a crash by as much as 70 percent. The New York bicycle accident lawyers at William Mattar Law Offices point out that a helmet doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive to be effective either.

A study showed that both expensive and cheap bicycle helmets were equally effective in reducing accident injuries and death. The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute tested six different brands of bicycle helmets ranging from $10 to more than $200. The researchers found that, regardless of price, each helmet offered riders a similar degree of protection.

The most important part of helmet safety is a proper fit. Make sure your helmet fits snugly around the crown of your head just above the brow. The chinstrap should fasten around the jawline to prevent the helmet from slipping.

Our Buffalo personal injury lawyers encourage all cyclists to wear a helmet each and every time they ride. Doing so could save your life!

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