New Truck Driving Regulations Require Electronic Time Logging

Posted: December 18, 2015

Strict laws govern the trucking industry to help ensure the safety of everyone on our nation’s highways. One particular aspect of those truck driving rules and regulations was recently updated to improve efficiency in how truck drivers track and record the number of hours they’re on the road.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced the approval of the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Final Rule on Dec. 10. The law requires all commercial trucks to be equipped with technology to track and record a truck’s hours of service. Experts say the change will help improve driver compliance and reduce driver fatigue. Furthermore, the change could save the trucking industry as much as $1 billion in revenue by slashing the amount of time and manpower that goes into completing necessary log book paperwork.

Experts say the ELD Final Rule will also help reduce serious accidents, with estimates showing the change could potentially save as many as 26 lives and prevent 562 serious injuries every year.

Drivers are expected to be in compliance with the new law within the next two years.

Truck driving rules and regulations can help prevent crashes, which is why the New York truck accident lawyers at William Mattar would like to applaud the approval of the ELD Final Rule. We’re hopeful the changes will improve highway safety nationwide.


At William Mattar, we offer a free case evaluation if you or someone you know was injured in a car accident. For your free case evaluation, contact one of our Syracuse car accident lawyers.

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