Advantages of Self-Driving Cars

Posted: December 29, 2021

Advantages of Self-Driving Cars

3D Rendering of Self Driving CarThe “self-driving car race” continues. From Uber to Tesla to Mercedes-Benz, technology companies and vehicle manufacturers are competing to develop the first fully autonomous car for the public. These businesses, as well as advocates for driverless technology, believe that the self-driving car will make our roads safer and bring a whole host of economic and social benefits.  

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) predicts that we are well on the road to full automation, expecting fully automated safety features and highway autopilot on automated vehicles by the year 2025. It is only a matter of time before we see fully self-driving cars on our streets. Our roadways will look– and many people believe for the better.  

Read on to learn more about the potential advantages of fully autonomous self-driving cars. 


One anticipated benefit of fully automated cars is convenience. One study found that the average U.S. commuter spends an estimated 42 hours stuck in traffic per year. Time wasted behind the wheel could be spent completing other tasks or making the most of free time. In a self-driving car that doesn’t always require complete driver attention or control, some people can be productive during previously wasted time.   

According to some reports, driverless cars could free up about 50 minutes a day. Automated vehicles could reduce overall congestion and commute times as a result of better traffic flow. 

Safety Benefits 

Over 36,560 lives were lost in motor vehicle accidents in 2018. Although the number of traffic fatalities is decreasing, the number one cause of car accidents remains the same: driver error. In fact, in approximately 94 percent of car crashes, the critical precrash event involves the driver . Whether it’s speeding, misjudgments, illegal maneuvers, or driver inattention, drivers themselves are often the biggest danger on the road. 

With self-driving vehicles, experts hope that both the rate of driver mistakes and car accidents will be dramatically reduced. Autonomous technology is designed to assess the environment before making decisions. For these reasons, self-driving cars could increase safety on public roadways.  

Less Traffic Pollution

Research is being conducted on the relationship between autonomous vehicles and greenhouse gas emissions. Studies have shown that there may be some serious environmental benefits to using self-driving cars, including reduced traffic pollution, fuel consumption, and related costs. A report by the Intelligent Transportation Society of America found that “intelligent transportation systems” (automated vehicles) could help reduce oil consumption and emissions by two to four percent every year for 10 years. 

Increased Mobility

One anticipated societal benefit of self-driving vehicles is increased mobility and independence among disabled individuals. About one in every five people in the U.S (for a total of over 57 million) are disabled. Approximately six million of those individuals face struggle to obtain reliable daily transportation.  

Contact a Self-Driving Car Accident Attorney 

If you think you’ve been injured in a self-driving car, contact William Mattar P.C. today. Your claim for compensation may be time sensitive, so don’t wait. Our personal injury attorneys are standing by to give you the legal guidance you may need going forward. Complete our online consultation form to schedule a free initial consultation, or call us at (844) 444-4444. 

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