Taxis and Ridesharing  

Posted: January 17, 2022

woman calling taxi from smartphoneTaxis have always been a mainstay on our roadways, especially in major cities. Now, rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft are becoming another popular choice of transportation in some cities across the U.S.  

Taxis vs. Ridesharing

Most people are familiar with what it’s like to take a taxi to your destination. Taxicab companies are typically private businesses that employ drivers to transport passengers in a regional area.  

On the other hand, Uber and other popular services like Lyft are classified as a transportation network company (TNC), according to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). A TNC is also commonly known as a “rideshare company.” These businesses are licensed by the DMV to use a digital network to connect passengers and drivers.  

Because TNCs are subject to unique insurance requirements, liability can be complicated in the event of an accident. 

Uber Accidents  

According to Uber’s Safety Report, over 4 million Uber trips were taken in 2017 and 2018. Among these trips, 97 fatal crashes resulted in 107 fatalities.  

A variety of factors can contribute to an accident involving a rideshare vehicle. A ridesharing driver who is inexperienced or distracted can potentially make a mistake that causes a collision with another motorist. 

Likewise, other parties, such as other drivers, motorcyclists, or bicyclists may cause or contribute to an accident.  

Taxi Accidents 

Taxis are widespread in cities like New York. In fact, there are 13,587 taxis on the streets of NYC. In many major metropolitan areas, traffic can be dense and hectic, contributing to accidents.  

Taxi accidents can be caused by road rage, speeding, failure to obey traffic laws and signals, and distracted driving. In some instances, the taxi driver may be at fault for the collision. In other cases, another motorist or party may have made an error, leading to a serious accident.   

Taxi and Rideshare Accident Injuries 

Both taxi and rideshare crashes can cause serious or even fatal injuries. Drivers, passengers, occupants of other vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians can all be involved in a taxi or rideshare accident. 

Examples of accident injuries include:  

  • Concussions 
  • Contusions 
  • Skull fractures 
  • Neck injuries (i.e., whiplash) 
  • Back and spinal cord injuries 
  • Broken bones 
  • Lacerations 

 Accident injuries can cause a multitude of financial, physical, and emotional problems for victims. When medical bills pile up on top of being unable to work, the stress can sometimes feel overwhelming. That is where an accident attorney can help. 

Hurt in a Rideshare Accident? Call William Mattar 

If you’ve been injured in a taxicab or ridesharing accident, call William Mattar P.C. today. Our car accident lawyers have experience in a variety of practice areas, including rideshare crashes. We can navigate the complex laws and requirements for your case so that you can focus on recovering. 

To schedule a free initial consultation, call our offices at (844) 444-4444 or fill out our online form.  

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