Filing a Claim After a Long Island Uber Accident

Posted: September 26, 2019

ride share appWhen the ride-sharing app, Uber, first went online, the insurance problems it created were a headache for everyone. For a long time, Long Island Uber drivers were unsure how the Uber insurance worked. Today, the system is a bit more refined and easier for everyone to use.

When a Long Island Uber Driver is Available on the App but not Driving a Fare

For a long time, there was an open question over whether or not an Uber driver without a passenger is covered by Uber insurance.

When the Long Island Uber Driver has a Fare

Under New York law, ridesharing drivers must $1.25 million in liability insurance for passengers, drivers, and third-party members of an accident that occurs when an Uber driver has a fare. If you are in a Long Island Uber vehicle and there is an accident, you and the driver are covered by this insurance.

When the Long Island Uber Driver is not on Duty

If a Long Island Uber driver gets into an accident when they are not available on the app or driving a fare, then they are covered by their personal auto insurance.

Filing a Claim

If an Uber driver gets into an accident while carrying a fare, then the Uber driver, the fare, and anyone else affected by the accident can go to the Uber app to apply for a claim. Uber also offers additional insurance that drivers can purchase to give them additional coverage only for the driver.

The Potential Problem

There is a chance that Uber could deny your claim for any reason, or they could delay paying on your claim for a long time. If this happens, the injured person can always sue the driver .

We have lawyers who are experienced in handling Uber claims for any party involved in an accident. If you have been involved in an accident during an Uber run, we recommend that you give our experienced car accident lawyers a call to get the legal help you need.

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