New York Addressing Problem of Intoxicated Pedestrian Accidents

Posted: August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013

While most citizens of New York are aware of the dangers posed by drinking and driving, they may not know that drinking and walking can be just as dangerous. In a public statement released by the New York Daily News, Transportation Secretary, Anthony Foxx, and a spokesman for the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, Jonathan Adkins, both vowed to raise awareness of the problem and provide funding to improve pedestrian safety.

Adkins pointed out that one-third of the 1,547 people killed in Pedestrian Accidents across New York had blood-alcohol content above the legal limit for motorists at the time of their accident. More than half of the pedestrians killed between the ages of 20 and 55 years old were alcohol impaired.

The reason for the high number of pedestrian accidents attributed to alcohol consumption may be a byproduct of the success of anti-drinking and driving campaigns.

The numbers have prompted government officials to provide $2 million in grant money to cities in the state with the highest number of pedestrian fatalities. This money can be used to both raise awareness of the problem through the use of programs and public service announcements and to implement safety improvements.

The Personal Injury Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices recognize the dangers public intoxication can pose and urge citizens to utilize a cab for a safe ride home if they find themselves having had too much to drink.

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