Buffalo Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Look at the Future of Safety Technology

Posted: September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013

The Buffalo Pedestrian Accident Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices explain one of the leading causes of collisions between pedestrians and motor vehicles is drivers failing to yield the right of way to pedestrians. In fact, roughly 70,000 accidents per year are attributed to such driving errors. New technology to be released on certain vehicles may be able to help eliminate this problem.

According to a release from AutoBlog.com, the Honda Motor Company is implementing features called Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) and Vehicle-to-Motorcycle (V2M) in certain models of vehicles set for release in an effort to improve safety. The devices utilize dedicated short-range communications to “talk” to pedestrians and motorcyclists. When individuals have the V2P or V2M software installed on their smartphones, drivers and pedestrians can be visibly and audibly warned when there is imminent danger of a collision, allowing motorists enough time to stop before an accident occurs.

While the release of the technology in vehicles could be years away, testing that was recently conducted in Detroit proved successful in preventing accidents.

William Mattar Law Offices’ team of Personal Injury Lawyers applauds the efforts being made by automobile manufacturers to improve the safety of their vehicles. The firm is anxious to see what further advancements will be made and implemented in automobiles in the future.

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