Glossary: Named Insured

William Mattar Glossary
Posted: July 23, 2022

Named Insured: 

A named insured is a person or entity specifically mentioned in an insurance policy.The named insured, or insureds, can normally be identified on the “declarations page.” The named insured is usually responsible for selecting coverage kinds and amounts, and paying the premium. 

Individuals Considered Named Insureds Under a Car Insurance Policy 

In most circumstances, the car insurance policy holder is a named insured. As previously noted, the named insured may deal directly with the insurance company on behalf of others who may also be covered by the policy. The terms of an insurance contract must be closely examined as it may be difficult to determine who qualifies as a named insured and who does not without examining the precise terms of the contract in a given situation.  

Just because someone is not expressly listed on the declarations page as a named insured does not mean that they do not qualify as an insured under the policy. An experienced attorney can examine the terms of the policy to see whether other people qualify as an insured. For example, someone can still be within a category or class of persons who qualify as being insured and some insurance agreements have an “additional insured” endorsement.   

Vehicles Included in the Coverage 

Car insurance policies normally list “insured” vehicles on the declaration page, but those are not the only vehicles that may be deemed insured. It all depends on the unique circumstances and the language in the policy. Replacement vehicles and “temporary substitute” vehicles can also potentially qualify. An experienced attorney can examine the policy language and the unique circumstances to determine what persons or entities may potentially qualify as insureds, and what vehicles are included in the coverage.  

William Mattar, P.C. is available to help people recover compensation for personal injury, including pain and suffering. If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer consider contacting us. 

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