Glossary: Limited-Use Motorcycle 

William Mattar Glossary
Posted: August 31, 2022

Limited-Use Motorcycle

The New York Vehicle and Traffic Law defines a “limited-use motorcycle” as a “limited-use vehicle having only two or three wheels, with a seat or saddle for the operator. A limited-use motorcycle having a maximum performance speed, of more than 30 mph but not more than forty miles per hour shall be a class A limited-use motorcycle. A limited-use motorcycle having a maximum performance speed of more than 20 mph but not more than 30 mph shall be a class B limited-use motorcycle. A limited-use motorcycle having a maximum performance speed of not more than 20 mph shall be a class C limited-use motorcycle.”  

According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, a “limited-use motorcycle” is commonly referred to as a “moped” or “motor scooter.” The “class” of the limited-use motorcycle—Class A, Class B, or Class C—is determined according to its top speed.  Class A limited-use motorcycles travel 30-40 miles per hour, Class B limited-use motorcycles travel 20-30 miles per hour, and Class C limited-use motorcycles travel 20 miles per hour or less. The class will also determine where the limited- use motorcycle may be operated, whether it be any traffic lane or the right-hand lane or shoulder.  

The Department of Motor Vehicles warns, however, that a limited-use motorcycle, or moped, should not be operated down a sidewalk.  

Additional information about accidents involving this kind of motor vehicle is available here 

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