William Mattar, P.C. Advocates for Breast Cancer Awareness with Pink Campaign this October 

Pink William Mattar logo for breast cancer awareness
Posted: October 2, 2023

Go Pink!
William Mattar, P.C. is taking a forefront initiative this October to accentuate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. By modifying their logo color from blue to pink beginning September 28th and lasting throughout October, the firm extends beyond a visual gesture to a resonant declaration of support for a cause that reverberates through countless lives each year. 

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
This isn’t an isolated venture for William Mattar, P.C., as the firm has been a staunch ally of the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer initiative in Upstate New York. This alliance underscores the annual communal walk held by Making Strides across many cities nationwide, intending to accrue funds essential for the fight against breast cancer. 

Upcoming Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks:
Fostered by the American Cancer Society, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events have emerged as a cornerstone in rallying communities against this perilous disease. They have curated the largest network of breast cancer events across the nation, garnering over $924 million towards groundbreaking breast cancer research and indispensable patient resources. From offering free rides to treatment facilities, providing patient lodging, to operating a 24/7 cancer helpline, the support rendered significantly eases the odyssey of those affected. 

William Mattar’s Pink Campaign in October transcends a mere color alteration—it embodies a clarion call urging the community to unify, elevate awareness, and contribute towards eradicating the threat posed by breast cancer. Their concerted efforts with the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides events are a testament to their deep-rooted involvement in health advocacy. 

For those keen on delving deeper into the Pink Campaign or the upcoming Making Strides events across New York State in October, comprehensive information is accessible at www.WilliamMattar.com. Through united efforts and escalated awareness, the objective of advancing against breast cancer inches closer to fruition, one stride at a time. 

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We are proud to announce that William Mattar was named one of 2021’s Best Companies to Work for in New York. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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