William Mattar Acts of Kindness Campaign

Posted: September 21, 2017

The William Mattar Acts of Kindness Team has hit the streets giving out free gift cards throughout Western New York.

You never know when or where they will appear. Over 100 William Mattar Acts of Kindness staff are traveling throughout Western New York with Tim Horton’s gift cards and will be randomly handing them out. Imagine being in line and having someone hand you a gift card as an act of kindness. An action that will not only make your day, but hopefully inspire you to pay it forward.

Continually focused on helping people and having a positive impact on the community, William Mattar decided that sharing these surprises would not only be fun for the recipients, but for the team members handing them out as well. Seeing a stranger’s face light up from a kind act is a wonderful feeling. Holding a door open, letting someone merge into your lane in busy traffic, or just smiling and saying ‘thank you’ can spark positive energy which are things we can all do.
So the next time you are in line, you just may run into one of the car accident attorney William Mattar Acts of Kindness team. Even if you don’t, remember that you have the amazing power to brighten someone’s day with your own acts of kindness.

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We are proud to announce that William Mattar was named one of 2021’s Best Companies to Work for in New York. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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