We hope you refer a friend!

Posted: September 19, 2013

Nearly everyone is familiar with William Mattar, P.C.’s television and radio spots featuring our slogan, “Hurt in car? Call William Mattar.” However, what you might not realize is that a large number of our clients are personally referred to the firm. These referrals usually are from current clients, former clients, other attorneys, and members of the community who are familiar with the firm’s customer service and focus on car accidents.

There is no greater compliment that we can receive than when someone refers a friend or family member to us. We are grateful that these people trust us to help the people close to them in their time of need. We appreciate that these people recognize that William Mattar, P.C. has the experience, resources, and commitment to advocate for our clients.

Do you have a friend, family member, coworker, or other acquaintance that has been injured? If so, please call our Syracuse car accident attorneys at (844) 444-4444. We will work to get them the best possible result and treat them like family.

In addition to personal injury matters, through the Mattar Legal Network we are able to offer assistance in nearly all types of legal matters.

Thank you for trusting us to assist you and your loved ones.

– Attorney Sara T. Wallitt

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We are proud to announce that William Mattar was named one of 2021’s Best Companies to Work for in New York. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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