William Mattar’s Safe Ride Home 4 Halloween: Safe Rides, Spooky Nights 

Safe Ride 4 Halloween logo for Halloween
Posted: October 11, 2023

As the October wind blows in and the streets get filled with trick-or-treaters in ghostly gowns and superhero capes, safety becomes more crucial than ever. Halloween is meant to be a night of spooky fun, where kids and adults alike can let loose and enjoy a touch of the supernatural. However, like every holiday, Halloween isn’t immune to real-world risks. 

One of the most significant dangers during this festive season is the threat of impaired driving. With parties and events in abundance, it’s easy for someone to have a few too many drinks and mistakenly believe they’re okay to drive. This is where the haunting reality of driving under the influence takes a nightmarish turn. 

Thankfully, William Mattar, P.C., a leading motor vehicle accident injury law firm in New York State, understands the importance of safety during this festive season. We are proud to present the Safe Ride Home 4 Halloween campaign. 

About the Safe Ride Home 4 Halloween Campaign 

Registration Period

The campaign kicked off with registrations starting October 11th and ending on October 25th. So, don’t wait for the witching hour to pass; register now! 

Uber Voucher 

The first 1,000 participants to register will be the lucky recipients of an Uber voucher valued at $20.00. These vouchers can be used in New York State between 12:00 AM (EST) on October 28, 2023, and 5:00 AM (EST) on October 29, 2023. 


Beyond giving away vouchers, the primary goal is to remind everyone about the life-threatening dangers of driving under the influence. William Mattar encourages those who’ve consumed alcohol or any mind-altering substances to opt for a safe ride home, whether it’s through Uber, a rideshare service, or a sober friend. 

Halloween Safety Tips 

Plan Ahead

If you know you’re attending a party, plan your transportation in advance. Whether you’re using an Uber voucher, hailing a taxi, or designating a sober driver, ensure you have a safe way home. 

Stay in Groups

When trick-or-treating or heading home after an event, there’s safety in numbers. Keep an eye out for one another. 

Be Visible

Wear reflective tapes or carry glow sticks or flashlights, especially if your costume is on the darker side. 

Avoid Oversized Costumes and Masks

These can cause trips or obstruct vision. Ensure that you and your children can walk and see clearly. 

Always Check Candy

Parents should inspect candy for any signs of tampering before letting kids eat them. 

Stay on Sidewalks

When trick-or-treating, use sidewalks and crosswalks. Avoid walking in the streets. 

Moderation is Key

If you decide to consume alcohol, drink responsibly. Know your limits. 


No amount of alcohol is safe when you’re getting behind the wheel. If you drink, DON’T DRIVE. 

William Mattar Reminds You Not to Drink and Drive 

Halloween is a time for thrills and chills, but let’s make sure the only scares are the ones we plan for. With William Mattar’s Safe Ride Home 4 Halloween campaign, we hope that everyone gets home safely, with sweet memories of Halloween 2023 to cherish. Let’s pledge to make our roads safer and our Halloween happier. Stay spooky, not risky! 

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We are proud to announce that William Mattar was named one of 2021’s Best Companies to Work for in New York. As a firm focused on helping people, we understand that this starts with how we treat each other. We’re happy to be recognized for creating such a notably positive work environment!

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