Happy Dyngus Day! For many Americans, this may be a holiday you are unfamiliar with. For those who live in the Buffalo area though, you know this time of year is synonymous with polka music and pussy willow branches.
Dyngus Day is a celebration recognized in many Polish-American communities across the country, but the city of Buffalo is known as the “Dyngus Day Capital of the World”. The tradition began as early as the 15th century in Europe and is held each year on the Monday following Easter. During this time, boys and young men will spray ladies they are interested in courting with water. Sometimes, the boys may even lash girls on the legs with pussy willow branches as a way to show affections.
The twist is that girls are not allowed to retaliate for these behaviors. Their revenge can be struck the next day, when they are allowed to spray water at the young men.
WIVB 4 News says Buffalo will launch this year’s celebration at 5 p.m. this afternoon with a parade that will begin at the Corpus Christi Catholic Church. Awards will be given to the best of the more than 100 floats at the end of the route.
The Buffalo personal injury lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices explain that parades and other holiday events can be fun, but can also present certain risks of accidents. That is why the firm asks those attending these events to have fun, but always keep safety in mind.