Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyer Offering Free Women’s Self-Defense Class

Posted: March 18, 2013

March 18, 2013

Data provided by the American Bar Association shows that there are more than four million cases of violence against women reported in the United States annually. Young women, especially college students, tend to be more prone to being victims of violent acts.

One of the best ways women can help protect themselves from being a victim is to learn basic self-defense maneuvers. In an effort to bring an educational opportunity to the women of western New York, the Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers from William Mattar Law Offices are sponsoring a free women’s awareness and self defense seminar.

Retired Lieutenant Colonel Michael “Moose” Moore, the founder of The Vigilance Group, instructs the program. He started the organization after learning of the abduction and murder of an Auburn University freshman in March 2008. Moore explains the program empowers women to “be a lion, not a lamb” in dangerous situations.

The Buffalo Self Defense Class will take place on Wednesday, April 17th, from 6 to 8 p.m. in room 330 of the student union located at the University of Buffalo. The course will focus on teaching women to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. There will also be demonstrations of techniques that can be used to escape from an attacker.

The firm urges anyone who is available to participate in the course to do so!

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