Motorcycle Accident
August 2012 |
By William Mattar, P.C.
Motorcycle Safety: As a Rider, What Can I Do to Prevent Injuries?
Aug.3, 2012 Data shows that New York has had a higher than average number of motorcycle accidents this year. Worse yet, reports from the Governor’s...
July 2012 |
By William Mattar, P.C.
Wearing a Helmet on a Motorcycle Saves Lives
July 13, 2012 One of the most detailed studies ever conducted on Motorcycle Accident Safety, The Hurt Report, found that motorcyclists who were wearing helmets...
May 2012 |
By William Mattar, P.C.
Report Shows No Change In The Number Of Motorcycle Accidents
According to the Governor’s Highway Safety Association, no progress has been made to slow down the number of serious and fatal motorcycle accidents in New...
April 2012 |
By William Mattar, P.C.
Study Finds Experience Is Key For Motorcycle Safety
A study from the Highway Loss Data Institute found that experience is key for motorcycle safety.
November 2011 |
By William Mattar, P.C.
Sleep-starved bus drivers cause too many tragic accidents
November 16, 2011 Lives have been lost in the Bronx, in Virginia, in Upstate New York as sleep-deprived intercity bus drivers cause their buses to...