Today’s New Technology is Creating Safer Vehicles for Tomorrow

Posted: December 7, 2012

Dec. 7, 2012

New technology is vital in the reducing the number of motor vehicle accidents each year. One of the most effective gadgets is electronic stability control. MSN News explained how this technology works and what the future holds for highway safety.

Electronic stability control is a computerized device that takes over and controls the braking of each wheel on a vehicle when a loss of control is sensed. The devices were not regulated to be installed on vehicles until 2007, but they have been marketed as a vehicle safety feature since the 1990’s.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began inspecting the effectiveness of electronic stability control devices in vehicles in 2008 and found that over a three-year period, a total of 2,202 lives were saved by the technology. That number may be conservative though, considering the estimate only took into account the number of vehicles on the road with the technology as standard equipment.

The success of electronic stability control has caused lawmakers to push for more vehicle safety features. Researchers feel the next step in preventing accidents could be the use of automatic emergency braking systems capable of preventing front-end collisions.

The Rochester Car Accident Attorneys believe creating safer vehicles is a key towards preventing car accidents. That is why the law firm believes more standard vehicle safety features may help in reducing the number of Rochester Car Accidents.

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