Tips to Prevent Accidents When Driving in Winter Weather Conditions

Posted: January 7, 2013

Jan. 7, 2012

Driving in western New York during the winter months can be dangerous due to the hazardous road conditions caused by snow and ice. To better protect citizens, and help prevent Car Accidents, the organization Safe NY has offered several winter driving safety tips.

The safest place to be during a snowstorm is off the road. If you don’t have to go out, stay in. If you do find yourself in a situation where you need to drive, the most important thing to remember is to buckle up. Following this suggestion can decrease your chances of injury or death in an accident by as much as ten times.

Completely clear snow and ice from all windows and mirrors before driving anywhere. Also, wear or take plenty of warm clothes and supplies that can withstand the cold conditions if the vehicle was to lose heat.

Maintaining your vehicle for operation in winter conditions also is vital. Check tires to make sure they have sufficient tread, ensure the radiator has plenty of antifreeze, and keep enough gas in the vehicle can prevent a breakdown from occurring.

The Buffalo Car Accident Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices also suggest slowing down and allowing plenty of space between vehicles as to help prevent accidents while driving in winter conditions.

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