The Right Car Seat

Posted: November 9, 2017

The right car seat can provide extra protection in the event of a car accident. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that car accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages one to 13. Keep you and your children safe by learning about car seat safety. There are three major steps to car seat safety: finding the right car seat, installation, and car seat maintenance.

Finding the right car seat

According to Parents Central, the right car seat depends on a child’s age and size. While, according to Parents Central, the correct seat depends on the age and size of the child, there are a few rules of thumb:

  • Age 0-3: Rear-Facing Car Seat
  • Age 1-4: Forward-Facing Car Seat
  • Age 4-12: Booster Seat
  • Age 8+: Seat Belt (no car seat needed) was able to break down which car seat to purchase, based on weight:

  • Infant-only car seat: 0-22 pounds or when child’s head is within one inch of top of the seat
  • Rear-facing car seat: 20-30 pounds.
  • Forward-facing car seat: Up to 40 pounds
  • Booster Seat: up to 80 pounds

If you are unsure of what car seat to get, the NHTSA has a car seat finder form. When learning about the right car seat, all the terminology can be overwhelming. Visit Parents Central for a glossary of car seat terms.


Once you find the right car seat, read the manual, which will explain how to properly install the car seat.  You can even get your car seat inspected. Certified technicians in Buffalo will inspect your car seat for free and show you how to correctly install and use it.

Car Seat Maintenance

Continue to use the car seat if your child continues to fall within the manufacturer’s height and weight requirements.

Once you choose the right car seat, register it.  This will allow you to receive important safety updates. The manufacturer will contact you with recalls or safety notices. You can either fill out a form on the manufacturer’s website or send in the card that came with your car seat.

Car Seat Tips

Below are some car seat safety tips, courtesy of and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They are obviously not the only safety tips so be sure to read the manufacturers manual.

  • Practice buckling the seat before your baby’s first ride.
  • Make sure the harness straps fit snugly on your child’s  body. Use the lowest harness slots for a newborn. Keep the straps in the slots at or below your baby’s shoulders for the rear-facing position.
  • Make sure the harness straps fit over the shoulders and between the legs.
    • Dress your baby in clothes that keep legs free.
  • To fill empty spaces and give support, roll up a couple of small blankets and tuck them between your baby’s shoulders and head, on both their right and left sides.
  • If they still slump down, put a rolled diaper between their legs behind the crotch strap. Don’t put thick padding underneath or behind the baby.


Two hundred and forty-eight children under five years old were saved by a car seat in 2015, according to NHTSA. If you or your child is injured during a car accident, talk to one of our Buffalo car accident lawyers for a free case evaluation.

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