Social Media Is a Leading Cause of Distracted Driving

Posted: June 12, 2015

Despite major efforts from law enforcement and legislators, distracted driving remains a serious problem across the United States and especially in New York. But could the problem be that we are only focusing on drivers who text and talk on the phone and not motorists who engage in other distracting behaviors? Our attorneys at William Mattar Law Offices point out that at least one study show it’s a possibility.

An article from Consumerist examined data that was collected as part of a survey taken by motorists about their driving habits. While texting and driving remains the leading cause of distracted driving with more than 60 percent of motorists admitting to the behavior, using social media seems to be the newest trend in not paying attention to the road.

Almost one-third of drivers admitted to using social media network, Facebook, while driving. Another 14 percent said they use Twitter on a regular basis while behind the wheel of a vehicle. Still ten percent of motorists said they use video chatting while driving. The most disturbing statistic though? A total of 30 percent of those surveyed who admitted to using social media while driving say they do it all the time.

Our New York car accident lawyers at William Mattar Law Offices have seen first-hand the devastating results distracted driving can have. That’s why we ask that you put your phone down every time you get behind the wheel.  At William Mattar, we offer a free case evaluation if you or someone you know was injured in a car accident. For your free case evaluation, contact one of our Syracuse car accident lawyers.

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