Some Dangers of Summer Driving in Syracuse, NY

Posted: May 30, 2019

Syracuse attracts thousands of tourists every summer as well as New Yorkers choosing to take advantage of the city’s many enjoyable attractions. Home to the Great New York State Fair, Syracuse will not only be packed with people this summer but it will also be packed with vehicles, teen drivers and pedestrians.

The chance of being involved in a car accident in Syracuse during the summer does not decease. If you suffer serious physical injuries due to a negligent driver, call William Mattar today to schedule an immediate, free consultation appointment with a personal injury attorney who focuses on car accident compensation.

5 Dangers of Summer Driving in Syracuse

  1. Watch Out for Lost Vacationers

Not everybody drives a car equipped with a GPS system. Unfamiliarity with the area can be a cause of summer accidents in Syracuse. If you are behind a driver who is slowing down frequently, flipping on their turn signal but failing to make the turn or even stopping in the road to read directional street scenes, the driver could be from out of town.

  1. “Hey, Guys, I Just Got My Driver’s License”!

Yes, they’ll be out in full force over the summer in Syracuse–teenagers who passed their driver’s test and now have a legal driver’s license. However, teens with only a junior’s driver license cannot drive unless accompanied by a fully licensed driver aged 21 or older. Of course, we all know some teens will ignore driving laws and practicing safe driving habits. Remain vigilant for young, inexperienced drivers to reduce your risk of being involved in an accident.

  1. Motorcyclists Take to the Road in Droves

Whether driving on the highway or on city streets, always check your rear view and side mirrors for motorcyclists and bicyclists coming up behind or beside you. Although you may be able to hear a nearby motorcycle revving up their engine, you may not be able to hear a bicyclist pedaling past you.

  1. Construction, Construction and More Construction

There’s nothing you can do about constant, summertime roadwork causing traffic snarls and aggravating traffic jams. But you can avoid accidents by driving cautiously through construction sites and obeying posted speed limit signs.

  1. Get Your Vehicle Ready for Summer

Take your car to your repair shop and have simple maintenance checks performed–tire pressure, oil change, coolant and water pump–to prevent tire blowouts and overheated engines when it heats up in Syracuse. Vehicles stalling in the middle of a busy street are magnets for distracted and “gawking” drivers.

It’s not always possible to avoid being hit by a negligent driver. Contact one of our Syracuse car accident attorneys at William Mattar today if you have suffered serious car accident injuries. You may be eligible to receive adequate compensation for your medical bills and associated expenses.

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