Senate Approves Three Bills Aimed at Improving New York Highway Safety

Posted: March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Improving highway safety has become a growing concern in the state of New York with the number of New York Car Accident fatalities rising. In an effort to curb the problem, Senator Tony Avella has introduced several new pieces of legislation aimed at boosting infrastructure safety and holding citizens more accountable for their actions behind the wheel.

An article from the Bayside-Douglaston Patch highlighted each of three pieces of legislation Sen. Avella introduced, each of which was recently passed through the state senate. The first bill would create a set of standards for classifying a highway as a low volume road. The classifications are used to determine road maintenance schedules and traffic regulations. Establishing the procedures can reduce liability in the event of an accident for the state and its municipalities.

Another bill would allow license suspension for a driver under 18 years old who violates restrictions regulating the hours i they are allowed to operate a motor vehicle or the number of passengers allowed in a vehicle at one time.

The senator is also backing a bill that would ban the use of radar and laser blocking device by motorists. The devices are commonly utilized in avoiding law enforcement patrolling for speeders.

The Personal Injury Attorneys at William Mattar Law Offices applaud the efforts being made to increase highway safety in New York and are hopeful each of these bills are successfully approved!

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