Number of Distracted Driving Tickets Issued On the Rise

Posted: July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

New York State now has some of the toughest distracted driving laws in the United States. Last year, Governor Cuomo signed a bill into law that made it a primary offense to use a handheld electronic device while driving an automobile. The laws have allowed police officers more opportunities to educate the public on the dangers of distracted driving.

The Governor’s Office has issued a press release that announced an increase in the number of tickets issued to offenders across the state. Erie County, specifically, saw a dramatic increase in enforcement of the law, jumping from 226 tickets in the year prior to the measure to 1,418 tickets in the year following the enforcement of the recent measure.

The law was passed after a New York mother who had lost her child to a distracted driver pushed for changes in the Buffalo area. The movement spread and led to statewide enforcement.

When the mother was asked if she felt like the laws have reduced the number of Buffalo Car Accidents and saved lives, she responded, “Absolutely, without a doubt.”

The Buffalo Car Accident Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices agree with this recent legislation wholeheartedly. The firm would also like to thank local and state law enforcement agencies who are involved in enforcing these laws for working keep New York’s roadways safe from distracted drivers. We truly appreciate all that our public servants and law enforcement do!

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