New Simulator May Help Reduce New York Distracted Driving Accidents

Posted: February 13, 2015

Distracted driving continues to be one of the leading causes of New York car accidents. In fact, estimates show that as many as 80 percent of motor vehicle collisions are the result of driver inattention.

As the number of distracted drivers continues to swell, many wonder what is being done to make roads safer. The state has passed a regulation that prohibits all motorists from using handheld electronic devices behind the wheel of a vehicle. An infraction is punishable by a fine and five points on offenders’ drivers licenses.

While these laws may act as a deterrent for some, most experts agree that raising public awareness about the dangers of distracted driving is one of the best ways to combat the problem. That’s why Toyota has developed a new driving simulator to teach users about the risks of distracted driving.

Yibada reports the Oculus Rift simulator offers users the opportunity to attempt to drive through a closed course while facing realistic distractions, such as phone calls, texts, loud passengers, and obstacles in the road.

The simulator was purchased last year for approximately $400 million and will be available to try around the United States during events scheduled throughout the nation, including New York.

At William Mattar Law Offices, we know the dangers distracted driving poses. That’s why our New York personal injury lawyers encourage you to consider taking a ride in this new simulator when it comes to a town near you. If you’re a parent, we encourage you to discuss the risks of distracted driving with your teenager.


At William Mattar, we offer a free case evaluation if you or someone you know was injured in a car accident. For your free case evaluation, contact one of our Rochester car accident lawyers.

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