Medical Bills Associated with Accidents May Contain Extra Charges

Posted: March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

After a car accident, injured motorists may be faced with hefty medical bills to pay for treatment. An article from WHEC 10 News points out several charges to these bills that may be a serious detriment to an accident victim.

A 25-year-old woman reported she had visited the emergency room following a Rochester Car Accident she was involved in. Doctors treated her for a broken foot by conducting X-Rays of the injury and placing the foot in an air cast. The woman was later issued a $400 bill for the visit, which included a $40 surcharge from the State of New York. Another emergency room visitor reportedly received a bill with a $70 surcharge from the state.

These charges are being issued through the state’s Health Care Reform Act, which allows New York to charge an extra 9.6 percent to the total of every emergency room visit bill. These charges account for roughly $4.8 billion in annual state funding that is used to subsidize the child health plus program and to keep rural healthcare programs afloat.

This tax can be a burden to many. However, the Rochester Personal Injury Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices explain an accident victim may not be responsible for covering some costs associated with a motor vehicle accident. The firm suggests discussing your legal options with an attorney before paying medical bills out of pocket if you have been hurt through no fault of your own.

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