How Do I Pay For Medical Expenses After a Rochester Car Accident?

Posted: March 13, 2019

If you have just been in a Rochester car accident, then you may have concerns. Your most immediate concern may have to do with your health and making sure that you get any injuries you have sustained taken care of. When it comes time to go to the hospital, how do you pay for those medical expenses? Do you take out your health insurance card, or is there another way?

New York State Car Insurance

New York State is a no-fault insurance state. This means that when you get into an accident in Rochester, the no-fault insurance company generally pays your medical expenses. Every New York State driver is required to carry a minimum of $50,000.00 in PIP coverage to help pay those medical expenses.

What Does PIP Cover?

As mentioned, it is your PIP coverage that pays your medical bills after a Rochester car accident. When you go to the hospital, you will get treated and then billed. You would then submit your bill to your no-fault insurance company for payment through your PIP coverage. If your claim is already set up, you can just provide your insurance information and claim number to your treating provider. You may also be able to use your PIP coverage to pay for any lost income you sustained as a result of your accident.

What Happens If PIP Runs Out?

While $50,000.00 can sound like a lot of coverage, it can actually run out quickly if you sustained serious injuries and lost a lot of time at work. It is not out of the question that, while you are still in need of medical attention, your PIP coverage runs out.

When this happens, you can turn to the at-fault driver to make up the difference.

If you are injured in a Rochester car accident, we recommend that you call our legal team for help right away. Our Rochester car accident lawyers will review your case and let you know what kind of options you have. We may be able to negotiate with the liable party’s insurance company to get you compensation for your injuries.

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