Defective Roadways Play Strong Role in Causing Albany Car Accidents

Posted: March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014

If you’ve suddenly been jolted by the impact caused by a defect in the road, you know all too well the damage potholes can cause to vehicles. Not to mention the risk of accidents these problems cause. In fact, a recent study showed that one-third of all Albany Car Accidents list roadway defects as a contributing factor.

The research was conducted by TRIP, a Washington, D.C. organization focused on examining roadway conditions across the United States. Their team of experts found more than half of Albany’s roadways are in poor to mediocre condition. These deficiencies result in the area’s motorists spending an extra $1,600 per year in fuel, lost time, and vehicle maintenance costs.

Roadway defects were also found to play a significant factor in New York’s fatality rate along rural roads, which is 2.5 times higher than the national average.

An article from the Albany Times-Union stated these findings have prompted the research group and other organizations across western New York in calling for legislators increase investments into the state’s infrastructure of roads and bridges.

The Personal Injury Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices are hopeful a solution to the problem of deteriorating roads across New York can be found soon. In the meantime, the firm encourages motorists to be aware of roadway defects and the harm they can cause.

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