Concussions and Car Accidents  

Posted: June 26, 2023

Car accidents are a potential cause of concussions, which are a type of closed head injury that can cause momentary loss of consciousness and an array of symptoms that can result in significant and debilitating limitations. New York courts have held that someone who sustains post-concussion syndrome, posttraumatic headaches, and cognitive dysfunction as a result of a New York car accident may be entitled to receive compensation for pain and suffering.  


Symptoms to Consider  

A qualified medical professional, such as a neurologist or other doctor, may be qualified to diagnose someone with post-concussion syndrome after a New York car accident. Such a diagnosis will be based on the medical provider’s clinical assessment, which may depend on findings of headache, dizziness, nausea, ringing in the ears, slurred speech, and delayed response. According to some sources, post-concussion syndrome may not be apparent until days after the traumatic event. Even someone formally diagnosed with “mild” post-concussion syndrome can experience significant debilitation and anguish, especially where symptoms lead to cognitive problems that affect the ability to work and enjoy activities of daily living.  A concussion is, after all, a form of traumatic brain injury.  


According to the National Institute of Health, symptoms can vary depending on the type of injury, its severity, and the area of the brain that is injured. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published a helpful chart which explains how symptoms of traumatic brain injuries and concussion can affect how injured people “feel, think, act or sleep.” “Danger signs” in adults include but are not limited to:  

  • Headaches that get persistently worse;  
  • Weakness, numbness, decreased coordination, seizures;  
  • Continued vomiting;  
  • Slurred speech;  
  • One pupil in eye being larger than the other;  
  • Losing consciousness, or appearing drowsy. 

“Danger signs” in children can include the above, as well as other behavior including inconsolable crying, and refusing to nurse or eat. These signs warrant immediate medical care, according to the CDC.  


Traumatic brain injuries and concussions can be troubling, and difficult to properly and timely diagnose, because some people may not recognize or admit that they are having issues, or otherwise recognize that activities of daily living are being affected. Under these circumstances, it is important to be vigilant, and monitor for signs and symptoms of the medical condition.  


Once a concussion is formally diagnosed by a qualified medical professional, the injured person may realize that their daily life is interrupted or impeded by the new medical condition.  


Recovering for Pain and Suffering After a Concussion

Concussions can be a serious and life-altering injury. If you sustained a concussion in a car accident and are looking to make a claim for pain and suffering, the attorneys at William Mattar, P.C. may be able to help. The experienced motor vehicle accident attorneys at William Mattar, P.C. can review your case and help determine your options. You can contact us 24/7 by submitting a contact form online, or by calling (844) 444-4444.   

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