Common Soft Tissue Injuries Caused By Buffalo Car Accidents

Posted: March 21, 2019

“Soft tissue” is the general term used to describe injuries that do not involve a broken bone, usually involving muscles, ligaments and tendons. It helps Buffalo car drivers to be able to differentiate soft tissue injuries from other injuries to assist in their overall understanding of the damage they sustained in their accident.


Whiplash is a very common soft tissue injury because it does not take much speed or much of an impact to create pain. When you get into a car accident, your head might be forced violently backwards and then forwards. If you feel pain in your neck after this type of an event, then you may have whiplash.

Rotator Cuff Partial Or Full Tear

One of the more painful types of soft tissue injuries sustained in Buffalo car accidents is a rotator cuff tear. The rotator cuff is a collection of tendons and muscles that helps to keep your shoulder in place. When only some of the muscles and tendons tear, it is a partial tear. When all of the muscles and tendons tear, that is a full tear. Both can be painful and both generally require surgery to correct.

ACL Tear

Your knee is a network of socketed bones held together by a series of ligaments called the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). You might have heard how a tear to the ACL has ended the season for a star athlete, and that is because these injuries can be extremely painful and can take a long time to heal.

If you have been in a car accident and have sustained a “soft tissue” injury, you should contact our Buffalo car accident attorneys right away. These injuries can seem insignificant at first, but they may involve many months and a lot of money to repair. Our lawyers will review your case and do our best to get you the maximum available compensation.

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