Buffalo Winter Driving Tips

Posted: March 14, 2018

As you probably know, Buffalo has a reputation for rough winters. We take pride in our ability to withstand blistering winds, and lake-effect snowfall.

But a Buffalo winter brings snow and ice, and that snow and ice end up on our roadways. We depend on these roadways to get to and from work, and otherwise go about our daily lives. When we need to get from Point A to Point B, Buffalo motorists may face snowy and icy roadway conditions.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are few things you can do to drive more safely in winter conditions.

Keep an Adequate Amount of Gas in Your Tank

First, you can keep your gas tank close to full. This way, if you get stuck, you have enough fuel to keep warm until help arrives.

Reduce Your Speed

Second, reduce your speed. It is difficult to control or stop your vehicle on a slick or snow-covered surface. By increasing the distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you, Buffalo drivers increase their reaction-response time. This could help to avoid an accident in the event the preceding vehicle comes to a sudden stop. You should always know whether your vehicle has an anti-lock brake system. If your vehicle does have an anti-lock brake system, you should apply firm, continuous pressure to the brake pedal. If your vehicle does not have an anti-lock brake system, according to the NHTSA, “you may need to pump your brakes if you feel your wheel starting to lock up.”

Steer Clear of Plows

Third, if you see a snowplow on the road, try to steer clear of it. Just as you are trying to get from Point A to Point B, the snowplow operator has a job to do. Do not travel beside a snowplow unless you truly have to, and never “crowd” a snowplow. Be careful: when the plow is lowered, snowplows can throw up a cloud of snow that can significantly reduce visibility. Always proceed with caution.

Even if you follow these suggestions, there is no guarantee you will not find yourself in a winter emergency.

If you find yourself stopped or stalled in wintry weather, the NHTSA recommends that you.

·         Stay with your car and don’t overexert yourself.

·         Put bright markers on the antenna or windows and keep the interior dome light turned on.

·         To avoid asphyxiation from carbon monoxide poisoning, don’t run your car for long periods of time with the windows up or in an enclosed space. If you must run your vehicle, clear the exhaust pipe of any snow and run it only sporadically — just long enough to stay warm.

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries due to being involved in a vehicle accident, contact our Buffalo car accident lawyers today by calling the William Mattar Law Offices at (844) 444-4444 to schedule a free consultation or fill out a free initial consultation form—it’s easy and only takes a minute.

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