Advancements in Safety Technology Aim to Eliminate Car Accidents

Posted: January 14, 2013

Jan. 14, 2013

Motor vehicle fatalities are the leading cause of accidental death in the United States. So it comes as no surprise that automobile manufacturers are using cutting-edge technology to improve vehicle safety. An article from The New York Times discussed these advancements in detail and how they are expected to save lives.

One of the most innovative advancements to date includes technology developed at Stanford University. When connected to a vehicle, the device prevents collision with pedestrians, cyclists, and objects. The device’s computerized sensory system detects a foreign object traveling into its path through auditory, visual, and mechanical sensors. These readings are used to help the car safely maneuver through traffic.

While the aforementioned technology leaves the driver in control of the vehicle until a mistake is made, experts say automobiles will soon be driving themselves. This eliminates the element of human error that often causes Car Accidents. Four major auto manufacturers, Audi, BMW, Volvo, and Mercedes, have said their vehicles will be equipped with the technology as soon as later this year. The systems will control the vehicle at speeds of up to 37 MPH and will be marketed as “Traffic Jam Assist”.

The Personal Injury Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices are hopeful these advancements in vehicle safety will be effective in saving the lives of motorists across the nation.

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