Syracuse Bicycle Accident Lawyers Discuss Safety Event

Posted: September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013

The Syracuse Bicycle Accident Lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices explain that cyclists face significant risks every time they ride along city streets. In fact, the New York Department of Motor Vehicles says that  more than 6,000 bicycle accidents occurred throughout the state in 2011, resulting in 57 riders losing their lives and another 5,883 suffering serious injuries.

Some of the highest rates of death and injury are suffered by riders between the ages of 14 and 29 years old. With Syracuse being home to college campuses, the volume of riders in this age demographic tends to be concentrated higher in the city, which can lead to accidents being more common.

In an effort to help prevent bicycle accidents, the Department of Public Safety is holding an event to discuss bicycle safety and tips to prevent accidents. According to an article from the Daily Orange News, the event will be held this  Saturday, from 2 until 6 p.m. on the patio of Huntington Beard Crouse Hall. The event will focus on educating bicyclists on the importance of obeying traffic signals and laws.

William Mattar Law Offices’ team of Syracuse Personal Injury Lawyers explains wearing a helmet is also a vital part of bicycling in a safe manner. Studies show this simple piece of equipment can reduce the chances of death or injury in the event of an accident by as much as 40 percent.

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