NYC Comptroller Says Bicycle Safety Should Be of Greater Concern

Posted: July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012

New York City is preparing to launch a new bike share program that will put thousands of bicycles onto its streets. Accordingly, the New York City Comptroller, John Liu, recently issued a report saying that Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Department of Transportation have jumped the gun by implementing the program before introducing certain safety measures to keep the number of bicycle accidents at a minimum.

An article from The Village Voice stated that Mr. Liu argued that making bicycle helmets mandatory for all cyclists in the city is the first step towards safety, citing that in 97 percent of all fatal bicycle accidents the rider was not wearing a helmet. The report goes on to suggest increasing the number of investigators on the Accident Investigation Squads—the only law enforcement in the city allowed to investigate bicycle collisions. Education for drivers and cyclists is also a key part of the comptroller’s safety plan.

Caroline Samponaro, a spokesperson for Transportation Alternatives, contends that the main danger to cyclists is cars. Her numbers show drivers are 365 times more likely to cause an accident than cyclists.

The Rochester Personal Injury Lawyers with the William Mattar Law Offices are curious to know what suggestions you may have for how cyclists and governments in New York can work together to improve road safety. Tell us what you think by posting your thoughts on our Facebook page.

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