Could Glow-in-the-Dark Bikes Revolutionize Cycling Safety?

Posted: May 12, 2014

The risks of  bicycle accidents never stray too far out of the minds of cyclists in New York. The New York Department of Motor Vehicles reports that in 2012, a total of 6,137 bicycle accidents were reported in the state, with many of those collisions occurring before dawn or after dusk.

Low light conditions may inhibit motorists from recognizing a bicycle in time to prevent accidents, which is why many companies are looking for new and innovative ways to illuminate cyclists, their bicycles, and their paths.

While many manufacturers are focusing on new designs for headlights and reflectors, one company has created a cost-effective bike that glows in the dark. An article from The New York Times explains the idea for the bike grew as the brainchild of a group of college friends who were looking for cycling safety solutions of their own. Now, the group has created a line of products, including wheels and bike frames, that create a phosphorescent glow around bicycles and their riders.

While a glow-in-the-dark bike may improve roadway visibility, the personal injury lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices would like to remind cyclists that there is no substitution for the protection provided by wearing a helmet every time you ride.

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