Buffalo Personal Injury Lawyers Discuss Ice Bikes

Posted: March 13, 2015

Buffalo received record amounts of winter weather this year, but the bitter cold isn’t keeping our residents from staying active. The Buffalo personal injury lawyers with William Mattar Law Offices point to the creation of ice bikes of Buffalo as a prime example of how our city has embraced the cold this winter.

A report from ABC News explains an ice bike is a 26-inch bicycle frame attached to a series of rails that place the bike on a set of ice skates. Riders can then pedal and steer the bike as normal on slick surfaces without fear of tipping over.

The bikes have been available for use at Ice at Canalside since December. Anyone hoping to take one of the bikes for a spin can do so by renting one of the units for a half-hour at a cost of $10. The creator of the bikes says you will soon be able to buy a conversion kit for your own bicycle at a cost of around $1500.

At William Mattar Law Offices, we love both exercise and getting outside! However, we are also aware of the risks that riding a modified bicycle can pose. That’s why we would like to take this moment to remind riders of bicycles of all shapes, sizes, and designs to keep these New York bicycle laws and safety tips in mind!


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